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A Heart For God: 5 Reasons Why a Preacher Should Tweet

Saturday, September 12, 2009

5 Reasons Why a Preacher Should Tweet

You pretty much have had to be away on an island in the South Pacific (maybe you wish you were?) to have not heard about the latest social media tool and craze: Twitter. And just to help you see the forest for the trees in case you're interested in how Twitter might be helpful to you personally as a minister of Jesus, I've got a real quick and simple list of 5 reasons why a preacher should tweet. (Just in case you didn't know, "tweeting" is the term used for communicating on Twitter.) And so here are the five reasons...

Reason #1: You can gain/access useful real-time (right now) information on any subject including God, Christianity, the Bible and the contemporary Church. (Google isn't necessarily "real-time.")

Reason #2: You can network with like-minded believers both in and out of the area. People of faith you might never have had the chance to connect with, now you can simply and easily.

Reason #3: You can find out/listen in on what people are saying about religion and it's intersection with (and application in) life and more. You can then engage them in conversation, answering their questions, offering insight and finding out where they're coming from, etc.

Reason #4: You can offer useful information yourself (not just Biblical information) on a variety of subjects. Write blog posts (both sacred and secular) and then "tweet" them for others to read and respond to.

Reason #5: You are able to go where the people are from the convenience of your computer. Many of the old school approaches to ministry are important and good. But there's a new generation of non-churched men and women that you don't want to forget. They're on Twitter (as well as other social media sites). You need to be there, too.

Sign up for your own free account today HERE. And don't forget to follow @aheartforgod and @aheart4god after you do. (They'll follow you back! I know them both.)

(Adapted from: 5 Reasons Why a Realtor Should Tweet. Much thanks to @blogboy2 who I happen to know personally as well.)

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Blogger Dave said...

Right on. Now to wait for the students and church to catch on to Twitter--hard to believe I'm ahead of high schoolers on this curve!

2:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post! I'm always amazed at how Christians are opposed to media because they're "secular," when we could be seeing it as an opportunity to bring the light of Christ.


My Trutheran Christian Living blog

9:19 AM  
Blogger Ruddy said...

The next question for pastors is what is the benefit to tweet during worship... feel free to check out my post on "Twitter Worship"

8:46 AM  
Blogger Terrace Crawford said...

Don't need to convince me! I love me some twitter...

--Terrace Crawford

9:34 PM  
Blogger Autógrafa said...

That´s right.. nice post friend.. we should all be together sharing about God in twitter, in all the web and everywhere we go day by day...

7:37 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Amen. I was told once by a church member that I should, "Stop tweeting, texting and blogging and get back to basics of ministry." These are the basics are they not? Thanks again for your words

7:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen....I wonder what they were saying when Radio came along, and then again, when TV came along.....thanks for your words! @lifeinsumpter

3:55 PM  
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8:32 AM  
Blogger abo-bder said...

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3:18 PM  

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