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A Heart For God: A Woman And A Red Dragon With 7 Heads And 10 Horns (<a href="" class="lbsBibleRef" data-reference="Revelation 12.1-17" data-version="nasb95" target="_blank">Revelation 12:1-17</a>)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A Woman And A Red Dragon With 7 Heads And 10 Horns (Revelation 12:1-17)

(If you can't see this video, click here.)

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Blogger Chris Carlson said...

Thank you for your videos, Pastor Mike!

I have a question for you about your interpretation of Revelation 12.

Does the woman only represent Israel? Doesn't she also represent the Church and the Blessed Virgin Mary?

3:17 PM  
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12:25 AM  
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4:26 PM  

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