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A Heart For God: Hurting Over The Hurt

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Hurting Over The Hurt

"And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption." (Ephesians 4:30;KJV)

I was having a conversation with my kids the other evening. And we were talking about how my son way back when he was five years old (he’s thirteen now) made his momma cry. I had no recollection of that event, but my oldest daughter, Kelly, did. She recalled that I said that Michael (my son) couldn’t watch his favorite TV show for 3 whole months – that’s how mad I was over him making his momma cry. I don’t remember what he did, but it must have been bad. The conversation would shift after that to my youngest daughter, Theresa, who we were reminded that she made her mom really sad once, too. This remembrance didn’t sit well with Theresa. As we continued, she would begin to become teary-eyed herself and then she started to cry. And she would say to me, “Dad, talking about sad things makes me sad,” in between sobs. Of course, I right away got down at her level on my knees and assured her that everything was okay and how that sad moment between her and her momma in the past was just that - in the past. Theresa would work her way back to being at ease. Later, I found myself reflecting on how Jesus said unless you become like a little child you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. And there’s just so much we can learn from children, my friends, about how we ought to conduct ourselves as followers of Jesus. Amen? ******* And how many times have we as adults - have we hurt our Lord – we do it; we really do! - and then because our love for Him is of the superficial type, we don’t hurt over the hurt. We don’t hurt over the hurt we've caused God. We don’t hurt like Theresa hurt over the hurt she caused her momma. ******* How have you hurt the Lord? What have you done or not done and it's brought Jesus grief? ****** We need to hurt over the hurt, my brothers and sisters, so we don’t hurt Him - Christ! – any more in whatever area it might be. It’s enough for us and will help us to stop sinning when we hurt over the hurt we cause the Savior of our soul.

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