Coming at you with the third post now in a series entitled: "Lessons from the Holy Family." (Read the first and second post by clicking the following links:
A "God" Thing or
Marriage Made in Heaven.) And the third lesson from the holy family (Mary, Joseph and Jesus) is this (it's actually very similar to Lesson #1 in the first post): Let's not overlook what God's doing in the least likely place with the least likely people. ******* And the point's put well in the following quote (from "The Christ of Christmas" by Calvin Miller gleaned at
sermoncentral.com): "He (the Lord) started the whole adventure of Christianity in Nazareth. Yes, Nazareth. Why Nazareth? Because there He found a woman who was completely yielded to His purpose for her life. Great works of God rarely start in big places. Rather, they start in small places - in some person with a big commitment." ******* And I was thinking the other day, where might Jesus be found if He were on the earth today? Have you ever thought about it? Well, of course, He'd be on TBN or The 700 Club or some other media outlet He would use. After all, that's the way to reach the masses. That's the way to get the message out. Right? ******* And don't get me wrong. It's not like I'm against these ministries or approaches to reaching people. We're all brothers and sisters in the same cause! But I still think it's interesting that the Lord chose to come to the planet and be born in a time where there were no cell phones or internet or mp3 players or
godtube. I think it says a lot when you stop and think when Christ appeared. I mean, if He would have only come in our day, just think! ******* A passage to keep in mind that relates to this lesson #3 - Let's not overlook what God's doing in the least likely place with the least likely people - is
Isaiah 55:8-9: "'For my thoughts are not your thoughts, Neither are your ways My ways,' declares the Lord. 'For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.'" And did you maybe need to hear this today? ******* And so where's the least likely place in your experience and sphere of influence? I'm telling you, that's where Christ is and is at work, if you only look close enough.
Labels: bible, christian, christianity, christmas, god, jesus, mother lode, sonora, tuolumne county, twain harte
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