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A Heart For God: The Power of Appreciation

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Power of Appreciation

"And a voice came from heaven: 'You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.'" (Mark 1:11; NIV)

My son, Michael, had a writing test a few years ago. My wife, Kim, and I were very anxious about how he would perform. Of course, Kim had invested much time and energy in teaching Michael the things he needed to know (as a home school mom). Then all we could do was pray. (The most important thing of all!)

To make a long story short, Michael took the test and the woman facilitator said he did very well. We were so pleased! Later that evening I really wanted to make Michael feel good, so I played like I didn't see him on the other side of the room while I started up a conversation with Kim. I went on to talk about what a good job Michael had done and how happy we were that he'd done so well. You could just see him beaming as I knew he could hear every word. Then I said, "Where is Michael, anyway?" He replied, "Here I am, Dad." I said, "Wow, I didn't even know you were there."

Expressing appreciation for a job well done. I wonder if we don't tend to point out and harp on the negatives we see in people to the exclusion of recognizing their positive contributions. And when was the last time you said to somebody, "Hey, I appreciate what you're doing and have done and for you being in my life. Thank you"?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pastor Mike,
I appreciate the time you take in order to reach out to the masses. I know we can be bit demanding. Thank you for all you do.
Our Heavenly Father will surely proclaim to you, " job well done ".
In Christ's Name, Jennifer

5:06 PM  

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