7 Points on Spiritual Warfare (plus 3 bonus points)
If you've been a believer in Jesus Christ for very long, you've come under the attack of the evil one. You've faced spiritual warfare! (Amen?) It's only natural (supernatural) because you are a threat to the enemy. You (and the message you carry) are able to free people who are under Satan's rule and ownership. (And he doesn't much like that.)
I was in a street boxing match in the front yard of a friend's house with others watching. I was getting in some good punches (if I say so myself). I was holding my own. That's when it hit me out of nowhere~Pow! A left hook (from a lefty). And I was down. Everyone was stunned. (Me the most.) The truth be told: I never trained for that fight. I never prepared myself. I just put on the gloves one day, got in the "ring" and started swinging. (Wiiiiiiish. Woooooosh.) It wasn't enough. That's why I lost. That's why I got beat. And so it is in the spiritual realm. It isn't enough to just put on the gloves one day. We must become disciplined/equipped or we just won't last quite frankly. (Luke 22:31-32)
It is to this end that I've come up with the following 7 points on spiritual warfare. It was first broadcast on Twitter in 7 tweets (a "tweetcast" ~ each is 140 characters or less). So if any of you got the chance to already see it, I've added 3 bonus points you won't want to miss at the end.
And so here we go with...
7 points on Spiritual Warfare (plus 3 bonus points):
(feel free to tweet these yourself if you like)
1.Satan’s attack is no greater now than it was b4.Ur just “aware” of it.He’s always hell-bent on ur destruction #spiritualwarfare #tweetcast
2. Put on the full armor of God. Eph 6 U need 2 speak it out over ur family. If ur the husband/dad, take charge #spiritualwarfare #tweetcast
3. The devil will try to confuse the mind. Christ will speak 2 ur heart. Discern the difference between the 2 #spiritualwarfare #tweetcast
4. Turn from sin or u will b crushed. (ie. Peter) U must choose righteousness.Not perfection, but direction \o/ #spiritualwarfare #tweetcast
5.Worship is a #1 tool in combating Satan. Sing,shout,praise,adore,laud,exalt&bless the name of Jesus #spiritualwarfare #tweetcast #Tworship
6. The Roman shield could b connected 2 another shield & another.Combine ur faith w/others.Stand firm #spiritualwarfare #tweetcast #Tworship
Big, big point next in the "Spiritual Warfare" #tweetcast (number 7)...
7.Finally,don’t forget: Greater is He (theHolySpirit) who is in u than he (thedevil) who is in the world.1Jn4:4 #spiritualwarfare #tweetcast
8.Many a great preacher has been put in the fetal position.All vulnerable.(Elijah ran from Jezebel~1 Kgs 18-19) #spiritualwarfare #tweetcast
9.Partner up! If 1 can overpower him who is alone,2 can resist.A cord of 3...is not quickly torn apart.Eccl4:12 #spiritualwarfare #tweetcast
10.Apply Christ's instructions in ur life 4 victory Matt 4:4 But prove yourselves doers of the word James 1:22a #spiritualwarfare #tweetcast
Labels: bible, blog, blogger, blogging, california, christ, christian, church, devil, god, jesus, mother lode, satan, sonora, teacher, twain harte, twitter, warfare
Just what I needed I am definetly going to share this with others. God Bless you!
Thanks 4 d tips.
Amen,tk u so much4this wrd..We def nd these reminders!
I will meditate and daily apply these teachings in my walk with the Lord ! Thanks pastor Mike. Good to be taught and shared. Blessing's, Jennifer
Reply @lee lanier, thanks for insight of the spiritual warfare that is going on, some do not understand this. I have a great love for Preachers of the word, I do have a question, can you tweet me personally.
Thank you and this is so useful to our spiritual fight with the devil !
Keep on sharing such information in Jesus Christ name
Thanks for reminding me. I needed that'
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