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A Heart For God: Make Believe Santa

Monday, December 20, 2010

Make Believe Santa

When I was a kid I used to play Cowboys and Indians with my brother and sister. (I know that's not politically correct, but it's a fact.) There was an element of truth in the history of the "Cowboys and Indians" for sure, but we were only pretending. It was like we were in the Wild West. It was an adventure in our imagination. It was fun. It was make believe.

It's the same with Santa.

And there are some Christians who are just so uptight. (Been there. Done that.) For these, Christianity is a chore. It's a burden to be carried. It's a weight. It's a bunch of rules and regulations. (These are earning their salvation after all?) They've lost their joy. They may have never even had it.

And let me just cut to the chase: Of course we're not replacing Christ with "Claus." (We're not that stupid.) We are only pretending. It's an adventure in our imagination. It's fun. It's make believe.

"'Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.'" (Matthew 18:3)

P.S. "Santa Claus" is a historical figure, you know. Some of us would do well to mimic his faith. (To read more about Saint Nicholas, click here.) I don't necessarily agree with everything said about St. Nick, but it's hard to dispute the story of his service for Christ.

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Blogger Left-footer said...

I love the way the real Saint Nicholas knocked the heretic Arius to the floor.

My kinda Saint.

Happy Christmas and God bless!

2:37 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hello brother,
Love the blog. Of course my beef has always been (once I found out the truth lol) is people who love to say Christmas is for kids, and that it's built totally around a fat man and flying reindeer (one with a shiny nose) and of course the almighty dollar. And then on Christmas morn saying a quick "Happy Birthday Jesus ". Now let's open gifts. Sad thing, it's Christian folk doing this. We should make Christmas about it's namesake Christ mas. And to honor him we should tell the truth about him first and then tell the truth about old St. Nick. It sucks for kids when they find out it's not real. Why do we have to dress up the truth. Tell the truth to begin with and we will always believe.
Your sister in Christ
Jo Jo

6:43 PM  

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