So You Wanna Go Back To Egypt
TweetAnd it's always easier to go the world's way versus God's. There are reasons for that ~ that God takes advantage of, uses for His purposes. One of the things our Lord capitalizes on is it gives us a choice between His plan and our own. The narrow road to life (and service) is a hard one. Following Jesus isn't always easy. But He gives more grace. (James 4:6) Who needed to hear this?
So You Wanna Go Back To Egypt (1st verse):
So you wanna go back to Egypt, where it's warm and secure.
Are you sorry you bought the one-way ticket when you thought you were sure?
You wanted to live in the Land of Promise, but now it's getting so hard.
Are you sorry you're out here in the desert, instead of your own backyard?
(Full lyrics: CLICK HERE)
Labels: bible, blog, blogger, blogging, california, call of god, christ, christian, church, egypt, god, jesus, mother lode, sonora, teacher, temptation
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