Jesus Going Viral - Part 1
TweetAnd then...
He waits.
And He waits.
And He waits.
And He waits some more.
For 30 years Jesus waits to "start" His ministry. (John 2:4)
Actually, Christ was always in ministry. (Of course He was.) We just have this silly understanding (in America especially) that "real" ministry only takes place with big crowds and lots of applause and pats on the back where you're popular and everybody likes you and you're "king of the hill" with speaking engagements and traveling all over the country and world in huge demand.
But "real" ministry takes place behind the scenes (it does!) where no one sees and you're faithful and loyal and steering clear of sin and serving the least of these and not looking for praise and content with being a nobody and Jesus is everything to you.
Then and only then can God use you.
And big.
Jesus in you will be poised to go viral. (Colossians 1:27b)
Cuz your character is ready. (Luke 2:52)
(viral: "becoming very popular by circulating quickly from person to person, especially on the Internet: the most memorable viral videos; a book that's gone viral."
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Labels: bible, blogger, christ, christianity, church, facebook, god, gospel, jesus, mother lode, religion, social media, sonora, spiritual, teacher, twain harte, twitter
I agree.
I've been hearing alot lately about being humble.
Your examples of what real ministry were great!
Thank You!
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Thanks, Vicky reason2believehim (childofonegod)
Amen.....thanks for sharing these wise words...I am blessed!
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