Miracles (Mark 4:35-41; 5:1-43)
Matthew and Luke record 20 miracles. Mark (at half their size) "speaks of 18 specific miracles and refers 10 additional times to miracles that are not described in detail." (TC 601-602) 24 of the total 28 miracles in the Gospel of Mark are done in the first 8 chapters (half of the book)!
"And there arose a fierce gale of wind, and the waves were breaking over the boat so much that the boat was already filling up." (Mark 4:37)
These experienced (and over confident?) fisherman should be able to handle this trip. After all, they've been fishing here hundreds of times. "You just go ahead and relax, Jesus. When You wake up, we'll be at our destination safe and sound."
And we, too, can become "over confident" if we're not careful. "After all, we've been serving the Lord many years." But there are still things out there we can't handle apart from Christ. We must totally rely on God no matter what our "resume" says.
When Jesus rebukes the storm He speaks to it as a puppy. (Mark 4:39) (Tedeschi) It's not a big deal for Christ to calm the storm. When it comes to men's/women's hearts, it's quite another thing.
This is the Gospel story in a nutshell. (Mark 5:1-20) Satan has got this man. And Jesus shows up to take him back. Satan had us, but Jesus took us back. It was nothing on our part that brought it about except for Christ's great love and mercy. It was all God's grace. "We love, because He first loves us." (1 John 4:19)
"A woman who had had a hemorrhage for twelve years." (Mark 5:25)
Sad state. (Mark 5:25-26) Physical bleeding/open wound (nagging issue). Having lasted 12 years. Isolation from relationships. (Leviticus 15; Luke 8:47a) Doctors unable to help her. She's lost her house, retirement, gone bankrupt over it.
Touching. (Mark 5:27-28) She hears about Jesus. This is a hard thing for her to walk through this crowd (she is to be avoided and has been) let alone to touch anyone or be touched. The woman reaches out and touches Christ's cloak. Notice the emphasis on touching in these two verses (Mark 5:30c-31)!
Faith. (Mark 5:29) "A little faith will bring your soul to heaven; a great faith will bring heaven to your soul." ~Spurgeon
Jesus is "interrupted" while on his way to help Jairus. (Mark 5:21-24; 35-43) Then the news of his daughter's death comes. If Christ would have just gotten there sooner, it might not have happened?
We have our own timetable how God needs to work and what He needs to do and when? The fact remains we don't know anything. God is never late. He is always on time. He does all things well.
Can you be "interrupted"? Are you still at peace when Jesus doesn't operate according to your dictates/preferences?
1. Have you ever felt like God was "asleep at the wheel" of your life (so to speak)? (Mark 4:38) If not, do you think the feeling can happen with people?
2. The word "entreat" (or form of it) occurs four times in the story of the Gerasene demoniac and once in the story of Jairus' daughter. (Mark 5:10, 12, 17, 18, 23) Look up "entreat" in the dictionary (or Bible dictionary), then describe what it means in your own words.
3. Why do you think Jesus told the people to leave in Mark 5:40?
4. How could Christ not know who touched Him? (Mark 5:30) Isn't He God? Doesn't He know everything? How might you answer/help somebody who asks these questions?
Labels: a heart for god pastor mike, gospel of mark bible study, mkbiblechat
1. Yes, I have felt like God was asleep at the wheel, so to speak, in my life. In my head I know He isn't, but my heart and my eyes say something else. It's hard to fight the feeling and trust. Walking in the dark, especially for a long time, is a scary proposition.
2. Entreat means to invite, to ask, to pray. Everyone, including demons, are subject to God. He alone is Almighty.
3. Jesus put the scoffers out. They didn't believe and their unbelief could affect the parents and the disciples. They needed to hear and trust Him. Maybe He also didn't want those who were laughing to believe in Him just because they saw a miracle. He wanted them to trust Him because of who He was. (Note to self, see #1. :) )
4. Jesus knew who touched Him, but He asked because part of our healing is to obey Him. It was an act of faith on her part to admit in front of everyone that she touched His cloak.
Many will come near Him, but few will reach out and touch Him with trust that He is Who He says He is and put their faith in Him.
PS - Thank you. That was fun.
Great post Dorci. Inspired me further to study this.
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