"Transfiguration" - Part 2 (Mark 10:1-52)
(An explanation of the title) Of course, our Lord is "transfigured" before Peter, James and John to begin this chapter and section (Mark 9:1-13), but really a transfiguring of all of the disciples is taking place (in mind, attitude, perception, purpose, etc). They are being readied for both Jesus' death (Luke 9:44) which they are just hearing about (see Mark 8:31-32a and Mark 10:32-34) and ministry in Christ's place after His departure (ascension). Transfigure: "1. to change or cause to change in appearance; 2. to become or cause to become more exalted; transform." (websters.com)
Wicked religious leaders try to trap Jesus. (Mark 10:1-9) Jesus uses the opportunity to speak about God's plan for marriage. God's view of marriage elevates women who are seen as property in Jesus' day (to be cast aside) and not as people. (Mark 10:10-12) Marriage is about oneness, male and female, husband and wife, "'til death do us part" ~ special! We need to approach it that way, fight for the relationship, protect it and go into marriage committed to making it work no matter what. Divorce is not an option.
Jesus gets mad. (Mark 10:14) He becomes "indignant" over the disciples' rebuke of the children. Indignation is "a feeling, characterized by, or expressing strong displeasure at something considered unjust, offensive, insulting, or base." (websters.com) Do the disciples not hear Jesus the first time on the issue of kids? (Mark 9:36-37)
The rich young ruler calls Jesus "good" because he's "good in his own eyes" himself? (Mark 10:17) Jesus knows the man's issue is covetousness, so He purposely does not pinpoint it at first, but then goes on to nail it later. (Mark 10:19-21)
Jesus shoots down the false thinking that man is ultimately good at his core. (Mark 10:18) "The heart is more deceitful than all else And desperately sick; Who can understand it?" (Jeremiah 17:9)
Riches and wealth were thought to signify God's blessing ~ no wonder the disciples are so distraught. (Mark 10:23-27) Jesus' teaching is that no one is good enough, whether rich or poor. No one can be saved apart from God's intervention.
Jesus is able to predict the future with a preciseness second to none. (Mark 10:32-34) Not only that, He is committed to seeing it through. So our lives are planned and have purpose, too! (Psalm 139:16; Philippians 1:6)
We're always wanting someone else's "glamorous" position (some of us). (Mark 10:37-38) First of all, we don't know what we're asking (like James and John). Would we really want all that responsibility or fame? I suggest "no." We need to be committed to God's plan for our life and pursuing and discovering that. Only in God's plan will we be fulfilled. Not in someone else's.
Isn't this just proof that the Bible is full of errors? Jesus heals one blind man in Mark's account (Mark 10:46-52) while in Matthew 20:29-34 He heals two blind men. So which is it? One or two?
Adding insult to injury, the healing is performed by Jesus while He's leaving Jericho in Mark's account (Mark 10:46), but in Luke the healing is performed by Jesus while He is approaching Jericho. (Luke 18:35) So which is it? Leaving or approaching?
The answer to the first dilemma: There are two blind men that are healed. Mark just decides to emphasize the primary character, Bartimaeus.
The answer to the second dilemma: There are two Jericho's. Jericho 1 is the old Jericho in ruins from Joshua's day. Jericho 2 is the new Jericho (of the Gentiles). Mark (and Matthew) highlight Jericho 1. Luke emphasizes Jericho 2 (as his Gospel is written to the Gentiles for one thing).
I like to always say: If you have a problem understanding the Bible, the problem isn't with the Bible, the problem is with your understanding.
1."Man is ultimately good at his core." What is your response to this statement? Agree/disagree? Why or why not? (Mark 10:17-20)
2. Mark's Gospel says Jesus healed one blind man. (Mark 10:46-52) Mathew's Gospel says He healed two. (Matthew 20:29-34) Isn't this proof that the Bible is full of errors?
3. Memorize: "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many." (Mark 10:45)
4. Do you usually learn things the first time? (Mark 10:13-16; 35-37; 41-44) Tell of an incident where it took you longer to learn your lesson.
Labels: a heart for god pastor mike, gospel of mark bible study, mkbiblechat
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