Last Week - Part 1 (Mark 11:1-33)
This is Christ's last week of life prior to His trial and crucifixion. He was born to die. (Selah~pause to reflect) The Gospel of Mark can be outlined as follows: 1st 8 chapters ~ "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve"; 2nd 8 chapters ~ "and to give His life a ransom for many." (Mark 10:45)
"And as they approached Jerusalem ... He sent two of His disciples, and said to them, 'Go into the village opposite you, and immediately as you enter it, you will find a colt.'" (Mark 11:1-2a)
Jesus predicts the future again. (Mark 11:2-3) Two disciples obey Christ's instructions. (Mark 11:4-6) (His word is enough to go on.) Prophecy is fulfilled. (Zechariah 9:9)
It's interesting to note how Mark's Gospel indicates the colt as being one "on which no one yet has ever sat." (Mark 11:2c)
If only donkeys could talk. (I think there was one in the Bible somewhere.) And can you just hear this donkey if he could talk? "Oh, woe is me. I'll never amount to anything. What's the use?" Right? And then one second later he's got the very Messiah riding on his back.
And what's just around your corner that you know nothing about and God is going to use you in incredible ways that you've been created for beforehand? (Ephesians 2:10) I get so excited just thinking about it.
The entire chapter (Mark 11:1-33) can be summed up in two verses: "He (Jesus) came to His own and those who were His own did not receive Him. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name." (John 1:11-12)
Christ scrutinizes the temple, then leaves. (Mark 11:11) God is hungry for fruit in the lives of His people which displays itself in a relationship with Him and not religious ritual. (Mark 11:12) The fig tree stands for Israel. (Mark 11:13) But Israel has produced no fruit. Christ curses the fig tree for its fruitlessness. (Mark 11:14) Old, empty religion is being done away with and being replaced with a new relationship with God. (Hebrews 8:10; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Psalm 30:11)
The Jews trusted that the temple and all that took place there was a sign of God's blessing and presence among them and that they could just go on living however they pleased. Thus, "robbery" (Mark 11:17) was even allowed to exist inside the temple. The poor were forced to purchase "approved animals" for sacrifice which were offered at "inflated prices." (Teachers Commentary)
What a picture of the wickedness of the Jewish religious system ~ that they would plot to "destroy" the very Christ! (Mark 11:18)
This is the new relationship with God which offers a dynamic that ritual religion can not. (Mark 11:22-26) Forgiveness and walking in holiness are underpinnings of this new relationship and dynamic.
This is what happens when you're more concerned with the crowd versus doing what's right and answering truthfully. (Mark 11:27-33) Ritual religion results in politicking, polling and political correctness.
1. The same crowd shouting, "Hosanna," (Mark 11:9) will shout, "Crucify," (Mark 15:13) in a few short days. Why do you think that is?
2. Do you think it's okay to question God? (Mark 11:27-28) Why or why not?
3. How does Christ's cursing of the fig tree relate to his clearing/cleansing of the temple? (Mark 11:11-17; 20)
4. Is there anything going on in your temple/heart (1 Corinthians 3:16) that might be displeasing to God?
Labels: a heart for god pastor mike, gospel of mark bible study, mkbiblechat
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