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A Heart For God: So Where Are Your Eyes? (plus podcast)

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

So Where Are Your Eyes? (plus podcast)

(To listen to the podcast of this post, click here.)

Pastor Mike here. Hebrews 12:2 reads: "Fixing our eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of faith."

So where are your eyes?

Our eyes can be on problems.

Our eyes can be on politics (or a politician).

Our eyes can be on a Pastor (or the Pope).

Our eyes can be on people (pleasing peers or parents).

Our eyes can be on a place (a past job or community where we felt secure ~ and we're trying to get back there).

Our eyes can be on pain (past or present).

Our eyes can be on our purpose in life.

Our eyes can be on prosperity preachers.

Our eyes can even be on pornography.

So where are your eyes?

They're supposed to be on the Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6)

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Blogger Unknown said...


Good to remember.

PLU from SSF

12:41 AM  

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