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A Heart For God: Evil on the Rise

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Evil on the Rise

You can feel it. You can see it with your own two eyes.

Evil is on the rise.

Even in the highest offices in the land, has there ever been a time with such lawlessness ~ blatant, unchecked and with no one willing to stand against it?

Evil is on the rise for two reasons.

First, Satan is preparing his final assault. (Psalm 2:2) You see, he knows the Scripture. He knows that there is a day coming where Jesus Christ Himself will step into history once again ~ and this time the devil will be ready for Him. This time he will be the victor. This time Satan will be the last one standing(?).

The second reason why evil is on the rise is really a part of the first. You see, "Heaven" indeed is approaching earth. The analogy of the Christian life is a help to explain it.

When a person is "born again," when a person receives Jesus Christ into his (or her) heart, he (she) becomes a new creation. (2 Corinthians 5:17) At that point where "Heaven" takes up residence inside the soul, sin (that way of living that is contrary and diametrically opposed to God's standard) ~ it begins to be squeezed / flushed out. It's like there's no more room for evil / wickedness in a person's life (Jeremiah 17:9) since holiness and righteousness and goodness has come to replace it. (Romans 6:12) The tell tale sign that you're drawing close to Jesus and He's drawing close to you is you're seeing sins come to the surface ~ to be disposed of. (Romans 6:13)

And so this is the second reason why evil is on the rise. Jesus Christ is about to reign on our planet. (Psalm 2:6) And as "Heaven" is approaching earth, evil is being exposed (and coming to the forefront in governing structures, also) to ultimately be done away with by God forever. (Revelation 19:11)

The whole of creation is in expectation of our Lord's return. (Romans 8:19) The devil is, too, even though he thinks like somehow he can stand against it. He's in for a rude awakening. (Revelation 20:2)

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