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A Heart For God: The Single Key That Will Help You Interpret / Understand the Bible

Saturday, November 03, 2012

The Single Key That Will Help You Interpret / Understand the Bible

When you get right down to it, the Bible really isn't that hard of a book to interpret. It really isn't.

Oh sure, there are certain passages that are difficult to grasp just as there in any other form of literature. But for the most part the main message of the Scriptures is quite clear. It's so clear that even a child can understand it. Jesus said so Himself. (Mark 10:15)

I mean, how hard is it really to comprehend?...
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. (John 3:16)
And then what about this one?...
[The person] who has the Son has the life; [the person] who does not have the Son of God does not have the life. (1 John 5:12)
Each of these two verses seem pretty clear to me. Don't they to you? If one believes in God's Son, he'll have eternal life. And if he doesn't believe in Him, then he won't have it. It's that simple. (I believe in Jesus so I'm going to heaven. I hope you would believe, too.)

Now it's safe to say that most people who'll wrangle with you over Bible interpretation ~ especially when it comes to things that are easily understood ~ most people will do it because deep down inside they really don't want to be held accountable to its message. And the only way they can justify themselves in taking that position is by somehow proving the Bible is flawed in one way or another. This type of person really isn't interested in knowing the Lord. If he was he would be more inclined to take the Scriptures at face value as they should be taken.

The Bible really isn't that hard of a book to interpret. Its essential message is easily interpreted / understood especially by those who are genuinely interested in God. (Jeremiah 29:13)

That's the key. :)

(To read: How Can a Particular Christian Denomination Be So Sure That Their Interpretation of the Bible is Accurate When So Many Other Denominations Have Contrary Interpretations?, click here.)

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