Baby Bird
TweetFor the better part of the next hour and a half, we tried to figure out what to do. Finally, my oldest daughter (the pipecleaner expert) fashioned together a makeshift nest. I laid the baby in it. And there it would breath its last.
Sometimes in life we do what we can and it's not enough. (It not only happens with baby birds, but with human beings, too.)
We want to help. We even help a little. But the story doesn't turn out like we hoped. Our loved one dies of cancer (etc).
It is then that we need to remind ourselves of God's sovereignty. He alone is in charge. He alone is crafting life's events after the counsel of His will. He alone is causing all things to work for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. #peace
"'Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father.'" (Matthew 12:29)
To listen to "That's The Way It Goes" ♫ by Phil Keaggy (w/Randy Stonehill), click here.
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Labels: bible, birds, blogger, blogging, christ, christian, church, death, god, gospel, jesus, kids, mother lode, religion, social media, sonora, spiritual, teacher, twain harte
In an age of delusions and disallusionment we always need to hear this reminder that God is God and we aren't. Thanks for a great post.
I can relate, considering that a while back my wife & I saw a baby bird in our back yard that had been badly injured. We did what we could to nourish & tend it back to health, but sadly the bird died. We were saddened by this loss. I know God was too. But it was all in His perfect plan. It reminds me that as we near Memorial Day, and remember those who have died for our country (and whose deaths we mourn so much more than the death of a bird), God is still in control, and we need to trust Him even amid those most difficult of losses. He grieves those losses no less than we do.
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