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A Heart For God: Matchmaker

Saturday, November 05, 2011


I don't know how it happens and I do know how it happens. (Psalm 139:16)

And to emphasize that I want you to think about it from the following perspective. I'd expect some of you may never have before.

A baby boy is born way over here. And a baby girl is born way over there. They each grow up. They say their first word. They take their first step. They have their first birthday. They go to school. They play sports(?). They sing in a choir or play in a band. Whatever they do. They go to college, etc.

And the boy turned man (now) is still way over here. And the girl turned woman (now) is still way over there.

And along the path of life they each may get into a little trouble (it happens), but then they meet the Savior, Jesus Christ. And they each get saved! (Wow.) Their sins are forgiven. They are given new hearts. (2 Corinthians 5:17) They become committed to God's cause. (Cool.)

And then they each find themselves wondering whether they'll ever get married ~ whether there's someone out there that's supposed to be theirs.

And the boy turned man is still way over here. And the girl turned woman is still way over there.

But then by a stroke of genius somehow, the boy turned man decides to go to Bible school. And then by another stroke of genius somehow, the girl turned woman decides to drive 1,500 miles across half the USA to the West Coast to go to that same Bible school.

And the boy turned man isn't still so way over here. And the girl turned woman isn't still so way over there.

And they're both at the same Bible school now, but for the better part of a year neither of them notices the other?! ~ even when the girl turned woman comes knocking at the door and the boy turned man opens it and runs right by her on his merry way. (Yes, it really happened.)

And God looks down and smiles as it was all His doing (and theirs).

And it's almost two and a half decades later (now) as they have three kids, a cat and a very happy home.

The boy turned man isn't still so way over here and the girl turned woman isn't still so way over there.

I don't know where you might be in your story, but I encourage you, if you have yet to find that person God has for you, I encourage you to wait ~ to seek God and wait for His timing. He knows what He's doing. Don't settle for second best.

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